What is Aging in Place?

age in place

Aging in place is the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently and comfortably, regardless of age, income or ability level.  According to an AARP survey, nearly 77 percent of adults 50 and older want to remain in their current homes as they grow older.

Benefits and Barriers of Aging in Place


Respecting living preferences is an important way to support aging loved ones. Remaining in one’s own home promotes life satisfaction, a positive quality of life and self-esteem — all of which are needed to remain happy, healthy and well into old age. Older adults feel a stronger sense of identity in a familiar environment. They also are more apt to remain socially connected to their friends and their community.


For some, remaining in their own home becomes difficult. Stairs, narrow hallways, and space constraints limit access throughout the home. Therefore, home modifications and safety features may be needed.

Please consider making a donation to the To The Rescue HOPE Foundation to remove living at home barriers and support aging in place.

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